The first image shows a slightly unripe fruit, so that you can see that the green shoulders and purple-black speckling are two different traits. [Someone had once insisted to me (without seeing in person) that what I was seeing was just chlorophyll] Often the green shoulders and purple speckling will occur in the same area of the fruit surface, but as the fruit ripens the green will disappear while the purple does not. On this particular fruit shown, the purple and green overlap but not completely. So the brownish blush in the center of the photo is the purple pigment (it looks brownish when overlaying a yellow background) while the green shoulders are on the left.
The second image shows two completely ripe fruits. The purple speckles of pigment on these are facing the camera, all around the glare/shine spots. This purple blush is definitely variable and a lot of the variability seems to be temperature and sunlight dependent, so I'll post pictures of more intensely pigmented fruits later in the season if they appear. I'll also try to get some pictures posted of the F4 hirsutum derivative that fathered this hybrid.
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